Getting Geeked Up
Hi There:
Well, we, as a family, have succumbed to the electronic era and have purchased some "Stuff", yikes. We have Ipods for the kids and I, because we all have very different tastes in music, even though we can all appreciate all kinds of music. We have lap tops for schooling and communication, GPS for geocaching, any way I never thought it would come to this but these things at this point it are really important to have for what we need to do. I would rather a lighter load but in this case the schools and my art, they are requiring and needy.
I am going to be painting on the beach and have already picked my topics and can't wait to find more. I have to get a digital camera, yet..... with huge telephoto, yeah baby, and yikes, I am still doing the "Stuff" thing after all the releasing of "Stuff" I have had to do. Rob and I never really have had the money or the inclination to purchase "Stuff" before so this will be the last of it, because I just want to experience the travel part now. Yeah, yeah just another denial of aquiring "Stuff".
You may be asking why I am emphasising "Stuff", wellllll, Rob and I just watched, "The Story of Stuff" on and it was very informative and well worthy of watching all 7 chapters. I recommend it for all children and collectors. It discusses everything from creation of stuff to its disposal, in a light and imformative way. Snaps for knowledge.
Our daughter, Rachelle was working on a spanish project and had to create a coat of arms and family motto, and this is what she came up with, "Dream Wild and Live Free". Now that is magic. But I am not quite sure what this social studies assignment has to do with spanish............. I will ponder this..... Oh yeah, it doesn't matter they will be learning spanish on our travels: things like, where is the bathroom, I am shoulder or rather I am hungry,(in spanish it is close) Hombro...Hambre you know.... I hate having to translate jokes. Oh well, back to business.
The first set of shots are tomorrow, my GP gave the okey dokey, but he said it in Latin, as he is more sophisicated, and medicalesse than I. I will prepare everyone for the sore shoulder (hombro), not to be confused with hambre-hungry or hombre-man. Although, I suppose, my men will be sore and therefore it will not be hombre but los hombres. Anyway, I digress, but then again, I guess that my hombres have pain in their hombros. Hmmmm. Back to business once again.
Back to more moving and getting rid of "Stuff", my daughter has been a stuff collector and has emptied her room of mass stuffage (sp?)(Gr?) and has now fallen into a deep pit of depression and detoxification process. Our son is also shoveling out his room but he lives more in the now than her and is secretly planning anyway to collect more stuff when we let our guard down and are not looking..... or so he thinks.
Enough said for now, gave you lots to contemplate...... Later. Toodle-pip
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