Brush in a Backpack

I am a painter/sculpture, who is in the process of travelling with my family, and painting on the way, for starts we are going to find out where "South" is, with the children navigating. Sounds adventureous, yeah I will be a cool experience and chaotic and fun.

Monday, March 07, 2011

homeschooling and life after

Hi there
Well, Rachelle seems to be on her way to finishing schooling. She, I think will do well. Although I have guilt for her not having a high school prom or having a drivers licence that she would have if we had stayed in Canada, here she has a job waiting for her in a hotel where they want to train her for hotel services and she speaks 2 languages fluently. She also has ADD and some asperbergers syndrome but her obsessive part is human understanding so she is easy to slide into society.
Now Dane, for those of you who know him, he is a wonderful person full of ideas and understanding, he is now just learning that he has to study humans and how to communicate that will get him heard and be apart of society. For those of you who don't know him nor have even given the time to understand asperbergers, you need to bone up to "get him". Leave your judgements behind and give some time. I remember some time ago there was a girl who was full autistic, who was performing in a school auditorium for Xmas with her class. She was running about and such and generally doing autistic behaviors. One woman in the crowd sitting next to me said how bad the girl was and it was a disgrace etc. I politely said to her that I was proud of her and that she had actually gotten on stage and was doing very well. She said how could I say such a thing..... I said she has autism and I explained what the conditions were for that girl, to where I eventually had to educate her and had the lady agreeing with me on the girls success. She felt bad because she didn't know ahead of time. I said that knowledge is power and it is up to us to inform ourselves rather than pass judgement on things that we don't know. We, as a race, need to be more supportive than judgemental. The same goes for my son. In many ways, you have to go to him rather than he to you. It is very hard for alot of people because it means that someone else is more important than the self. He is being trained to do opposite and he is coming along. But those of you who are not supportive need to educate yourselves on his condition and realize his successes. He is an amazing person, a valuable person. He makes me grow and learn and appreciate life. If you are caught up in yourselves not to appreciate him, it is your loss and I am sorry for you, you are missing out. I have no doubt that he will find his place and do great things, though those decisions are not needed to be made today, they will come in their own time at the perfect time. His science studies are coming and so are his other studies, he is becoming more and more independant. He is still obsessing on certain subjects, but if you look through his eyes you will see why he does, life and its workings are amazing. He is a gift, as all children are, as my grandfather said. There are alot of negative things that we can obsess on, why bother when there are so many more wonderful things to work with!
Love learn and love until you need to


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