Brush in a Backpack

I am a painter/sculpture, who is in the process of travelling with my family, and painting on the way, for starts we are going to find out where "South" is, with the children navigating. Sounds adventureous, yeah I will be a cool experience and chaotic and fun.

Friday, August 06, 2010

visiting friends

When you come back, it is hard to fit everyone in. Time is not necessarily you friend. Sometimes time makes sure the visits are short and sweet and end on a high note. I hope that all the people we visit understand this and that we are doing the best we can given the time that we have. So far we have not stopped moving since the kids schooling in LEAP. I have to say that was time well spent and that if you have kids who are eligible for the program have them go, and come back enlightened and more confident and ready for life. As Rachelle said.... Life Changing.
We stopped for 2-3 days in Edmonton but that was wayyyyyy broken up because of the spending that we had to do, like computer shopping, backpack shopping, there are less taxes in Alberta for those who don't know. So I have to say regretfully that I would have like to had more quality time with my parents but things didn't seem to balance out well that way. So far that is the only time we have spent in more than one spot. We are very fortunate to have people that really love us and are willing to forgive us for the time thing. We will try and get back to Canada next year to try and resolve that and hopefully retrieve our daughter who is wanting to go to a 5 month outdoor program in Powell river. We will see. I am starting to experience the first feelings of empty nest and that means a little bit of sadness but also happiness for her on her flight. I also can think about getting off the weight that I am carrying due to the lack of exercise. I hope to start that when I get back. Again, we will see.
Anyway...... time is ticking along and my latte is finally cold as I have not drunk from it since I started writing. I will sneak in another and one for Rob as I take the river walk back to the campground.
Talk with you all later...... Tempos fugid


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