Brush in a Backpack

I am a painter/sculpture, who is in the process of travelling with my family, and painting on the way, for starts we are going to find out where "South" is, with the children navigating. Sounds adventureous, yeah I will be a cool experience and chaotic and fun.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Introducing "Lady"

Hello folks
We have a visitor staying at our house for a while. Her name is Lady. She is a lovely dog, with same said temperament. Rachelle, boyfriend and I went to check on her for a friend today (as our friend is in Canada for a bit). We found her alone, and very scared. I think that the volunteers had stepped out for lunch and she being who she is needs people and I think adding the sounds of the volcano, well there was that scared puppy. I think that she is a real people person (dog) and with the sounds of the volcano, especially in that area, we all decided, including my friend in Canada, that it would be best for her to stay here at our house. The people who are volunteering at that woofer farm, for Lady's safety, had her tied up, because the booms from the volcano would make her run and they were afraid she would run away. Really this was very kind of them as it might be possible she could get lost and that would be sad for her. These people were very kind to her but they were also very busy working and finding out about Banos and such so coming to stay with us was a good alternative. Needless to say, I now have three dogs in my house. I have to say though that it is always a bit ifffy and exciting as to whether the dogs will get along. It is in the first 10 minutes that we cross our fingers and hope for the best. Shockingly, it was our little one (Sparky the size of a small coyote) that decided she was going to be the agressor. After a bit though, wisely Sparky saw the light and realized that Lady was about 3-4 times her size. All three are calm now, and sleeping in the same room and probably will be sleeping together in no time. I love how dogs figure stuff out real quick it goes kind of like this..... I am bigger than you are or I am faster than you are and that is the end of that....accept for those little rotter fuzzy slip of dogs, those I can do without. They are not really dogs anyway so I don't think that they count. Sorry to all those of you who have that kind of dog and can say otherwise and I have to the core insulted but I am sorry, the only dogs that I have ever had a problem with biting people are small dogs. I will be honest I am small dog prejudice. But that is besides the point, the dog hotel is full again and there is a bit of a shift in the air in terms of personality dynamic of dogs. It turns out that I am the prize worth fighting for now, as Isis thinks that I am hers and Lady thinks that that also. So now I will go around the house with two dogs following me. I promise you I will not get lonely. And here I thought that I would only have Mr. Potatohead to keep me company in the art studio.
We make our own dog food a commitment shift we made to our animals when my two dogs died of cancer in Canada. I was informed by a wonderful well informed person that although we had bought the best dog food possible, bagged food was bad for the dogs and she kindly gave us recipes for dog food. So once every few days we make a fresh batch of dog food and everyone is happy, healthy and all have shiney, beautiful coats and eyes and other signs of good health. So today I fed Lady along with our dogs and it was rather funny as Lady was trying to pick around the carrots in her dish. However much to her dismay, we shred up the raw carrots so she wasn't very successful in eating around the vegies. To inspire her I poured a little milk on her food and no more problem. Yes, I know, we spoil our dogs..... Yes, I know. I could hear her complaint though of wishing I would leave our the carrots. I have this to say about that.....fiber fiber natures broom.....
We are still hearing the window rattling booms of the volcano so we still have our bags by the door. This time we could be packing 3 dogs.
I am still a bit distracted though, but I hear the painting call my name. I hope to be painting tomorrow. I have that jungle scene to get going. All the plants are done and it is the animals and insects that are required. I love this concept of jungle scene at night it really is helping to highlight the life of the jungle. The color on the black contrast is really helping the color to pop. So tomorrow after I talk with my friends worker about stealing her dog, yikes, I will come home to paint.
Now that school is almost done except for provincial exams. The kids will start on their journey of finding their contribution, volunteer work. Dane will be going for a interview to find out what his contribution to the foundation "Arte Del Mundo", might be and then he has salsa dance class. So he is doing good. Rachelle is looking for her contribution as well and there are several choices. Soon both of them will be doing their thing and the when we get it all figured out we will be leaving for Canada and upsetting the whole thing again. Such is life.
Such is life is a good theme for the day. So I guess this is another moment to learn to be flexible and always remember to be loving.
Talk with you all later, live with love....


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