Brush in a Backpack

I am a painter/sculpture, who is in the process of travelling with my family, and painting on the way, for starts we are going to find out where "South" is, with the children navigating. Sounds adventureous, yeah I will be a cool experience and chaotic and fun.

Friday, May 21, 2010

It was her time....

My friend Mustang has passed. Apparently, she passed in her sleep gently and quietly. I am happy for her that her transition from this life was gently and calm, both for her and her son and daughter in law and their kids. Apparently, Mustang's mother passed just several days before her and she found out and felt it was her time as well. The two of them were able to be quite close in their time. I don't know what exactly happens "after", but my scientific mind and my spiritual mind work together, I try and find harmony between my heart and my mind. Especially after studying the laws of conservation of matter in Dane's schooling, grade 10 science, where no matter is lost or gained in reaction, as well as understanding the various alpha, beta and gamma reactions where energy is created through energy. I believe that our energy is never lost only changed or moved. I beleive so strongly in this thought and have no real worries of most of my actions in this life, and after studying a variety of different spiritual philosophies and after comparing them and realizing the commonalities of them, I know to transition from this life there is nothing to fear. I beleive it is important just to beleive and try an live your life to the best of your ability to live your destiny, knowing it will all work out in the next phase of life. I beleive in Kharma, this philosophy repeats the scientific Newton's Law "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". I also beleive that even if this law was not identified and reinforced in a variety of religions that I would still try and do my best to live a good life with
out having to be "told" to. I know that we all mess up and do things that we regret and that others and ourselves have had things that are done to us but the thing that I think is important is to have compassion and forgiveness. I am working on the forgiving thing, it is really not that easy for me to forgive, especially when someone has done something to someone that I love. My son is the biggest lesson here. When some boys who were involved in a bullying incident with my son, and it was my son that ended up in the hospital and in a wheel chair for 3 months and a cast for 4 months, it was my son who taught me forgiveness. He was lying in the hospital in sever pain with a fractured leg is 5 peices almost shattered, by the look of the xray, and his first words were, "I forgive them". I was dumbfounded and so was Rob. I have never witnessed such a huge heart.....ever. He is my lesson on truly forgiving someone and then moving on. Even after by the suggestion of his wonderful teaching supervisor to visit a psychologist so that he would not remain a victim and that Dane would not carry that baggage with him for his life, the pyschologist felt since he had such a huge heart and had a good self confidence level that he had just forgave and moved on with no sad attachments. Wow, hey???
On to the next thought.... Dane is now well over 6'4" and his head is beginning to hit the door jams if he is not careful. Now for the first time in my life I actually feel short. All my immediate family are tall. Here in Ecuador, where some people are lucky to hit 4 ft, we are monsters. Sometimes when we walk down the streets people just stare. I have to say that I am proud of them. They are tall, lean and graceful. Except for when Dane runs, he still runs like Bambi, he is all legs and doesn't know where his body is in space. Dane says that he is more of a giraffe, I have to agree.
It is also Dane's birthday and also our friends in Puyo. We will try and get together and celebrate... We will have to do the dinner thing and maybe a cheese cake, no one make a better cheese cake than my kids. They make killer cakes that you know that you are going to have to work hard to work off. But they are yummy.
I will light a candle on the cake in memory for Mustang and say a little thought for her.
Well, Rob has been gone to Canada to bring up the coffers for some time. We both cognitively know this is needed to be done but it is still not always nice. I have to admit I don't laugh nearly as much when he is not here and I become far more serious that is probably good for me when he is gone. I Especially don't laugh as much when I am focused on teaching, I can get very intense, it is the OCD in me. When the kids and I go back to Canada, the kids will be going to the leap program in Powel River, and Rob and I will have 8 days of just us. I know that we will have a great time and we probably will spend alot of our time just laughing.
It is a fabulous opportunity for both kids and the fact that both kids got accepted into the program is awesome. They had to apply for it, like one would a job, resumes and letters of intention the works. That alone took the kids and I a whole day. The program is environmental studies etc and it includes school credit. I think that they were accepted partly because we are coming from Ecuador and the kids can bring alot of insight from another part of the world. I would like to take the kids to Cocoa, before we go as this is the area where the worlds largest oil spill is in the world. It is where Texaco was irrisponcible with their oil extraction and it contaminated a large area in the amazon. We will see, it is very depressing to be there, but there are alot scientists in the area researching how to solve this problem or atleast reduce the problem. It sounds like there are people who live there who are very sick and the cancer rate is very high. It would be good for our kids to help bring to light how important it is to be responcible. We also have friends in Quito who could help the kids be informed even more who work with environmental studies world wide.
Anyway, I will go back to my morning coffee and back to English, as that is the only area left really that needs completing.
Talk with you all later
I would love to hear from you
Be good to each other and keep up the faith


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