The earth shakes
Hi there Everyone:
Here we still are when mother nature is trying to balance herself out and we are in the heart of the action. Above us there were the quakes of Haiti and below us the quakes of Chile, the other day Ecuador not wanting to be left out were the quakes of Guyaquil and this morning there were the quakes of Banos. The ones in Ecuador have not been strong but they might be actually after quakes from Chile. The one this morning was strong enough to wake me out of my sleep so there you go, at first I thought it was Rob trying to wake me up until I realized Rob is back in Canada and there should only be kids and dogs waking me up.
We have now gone from being nervous about the volcano to nervous about earthquakes. Well, I guess we will just have to live life and live it for now rather than making yourself sick about worrying. I like that philosophy better anyway, living life and not sweating the small stuff and things we can't control.
I feel that all these earth shifts and earth changes are mother nature trying to come into balance with herself. I read that the Chile earth quake have started polar shifting or tipping of the earth axis and changing earth with making the days shorter. It is a kind of cool thought to be in the general heart area of those changes. I feel like we won't be left out of witnessing anything. So we still have our evacuation packs on the ready and that is about as good and we can do at this point.
Rob is now in Canada, about to go to work and just as he leaves I get sick. Getting a cold is one thing but getting a cold in Quito is another. When dealing with the elevation on top of the conjestion now there is a challenge. So needless to say we were quick to leave Quito after Rob left and I spent the day in bed trying to get over the cold. It is almost gone just a little head conjestion left and after several days of eating cooked foods which helped to contribute to my sickness and now again bad skin. Again, I am back on track with Raw foods and I know that health will return.
Dane and I have to work like madmen to get his school done for the year, yikes. But I know that we can do it. So this is the end of this report as school is required to be done. I will make and tea and fruit shake and get going talk with you all later,
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