The animals in our life.
We as a family have attracted many different animals and also animals who all had these fabulous personalities. We had Dawg, shockingly she was a dog, Mr. and Mrs Duck, again shockingly they were ducks. We had Mack the wrestler and Sam the singer, both were dogs, although this time the names didn't give them away. There was Sassy the sociopathic cat,there were also the chickens, yuck, and the turkey who were more like people and survivalists of the great white north. There were the guinea pigs, that was an all out disaster, and to think that here they eat them. Now we finally have Sparky the rescue dog of Banos and Isis, also known as Crisis. She is the most igmatic dog I have ever known and I don't neccessarily mean that in a good way. She is moody, cranky, emotional, overractive, spastic etc. The other day while she was on the balcony of the art studio, one storey up, in front of witnesses, she either launched herself to commit suicide or Sparky pushed her to land on the grass unharmed below. Non of the witnesses could beleive it they thought that her ears would fold out and she would fly around the garden.
I need to explain this dog a bit. There was one time that she fell, and hurt her knee. We didn't see the event but beleive me we heard the crying and saw the shaking and trembling. I tell you the drama!!! She cried and cried, I thought it would be a big and expensive vet bill. Sooooo, off we go to the vet in a taxi. Even the vet thought an operation might be in order. After a thorough check and noting she was in pain but couldn't find anything because the pain was soooo bad. She was left to stay with the vet for several days on painkillers where she could rest undisturbed and be under observation. After many calls to the vet to check on her and as many worried days. He called us to pick her up. He said, "wait here I want to surprise you, she is MIRACULOUS". I should have known. She was just fine, no problem. She trotted herself over and happily greeted us. We think she just wanted a spa weekend at the kindly vets. So to find her launching herself off the balcony screams to me that she is a achin' for a drug riddled girls weekend at the "Spa". Some how we all like to think that Sparky just pushed her to get back at the drama queen.
A friend of ours didn't beleive us about the dog. We told him that she was "funny" and grumpy when anything was around her behind or her tail. On his own steam, on day when he was babysitting, he took her to the vet. It felt like he was checking up on us to see if we had hurt her or had an undiagnosed broken bit. The vet did a thorough Xray and even though she holds her tail weird and never wags it, there was nothing wrong. Still, I would rather think about the turkey running amok through the house with Dane chasing it out the door cussing as only a 8 year old can in front of an art client of mine, that memory is far more pleasant.
For all those concerned: The volcano is steaming and ashing but not rumbling. Talk with you all later.
Be patient with each other.
Robin (still a rawbin' in it)
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