taxi's and dogs
Hi All:
You all know how I feel about animals. The one thing that is very strong in me is to help and protect the ones without a voice. So with this in mind, I went to my friends house to help her dog who at the time was scared to bits because the volcano was erupting and brought her home to my house, my very wonderful friend who was back in Canada and would never do anything but the best for her animals could not be there to reassure her or take her away. I know that she is reading this so I have to make sure that she knows I know how she feels about her animals. (he he he) Anyway, Lady fit well in our house and was welcomed and seems alot happier and calmer. Isis of course had to be insecure and emotional for a while. Until the other day another friend came over (who will be house sitting for us while we are in Canada and is more like a sister to me) and there were blood spots on the floor leading to Lady. Oh no. So we had to wait till monday to go and see the vet in Puyo (who is very good and trustworthy). She had also gotten rather skinny and has a bit of loss of appetite. So off Dane and I went to to Puyo in a taxi having been told that other people have travelled with Lady in a taxi in the past, thinking this would be a good idea. However, Lady just didn't feel that way, in fact she decided to demonstrate to us that taking a taxi might not be a good idea. She vomitted with enthusiasm of her feelings 7 times, 4 times of which were in the unfortunately brand new taxi, she missed the blanket that I had put down to protect the seats from dog hair, not realizing it would be meant to protect the seats from pre-chewed food as well. So with the windows wide open and knowing this would be an expensive taxi ride, we finally made it to Puyo. Our vet is also the vet of my friend. I was quickly wisked into an examining room with the dog and explained to him what was going on. After the exam, he calmly said there was nothing wrong. Of course in my innocence I asked how can this be she is bleeding from her, you know... private parts..... He said that is normal for a dog in heat. WHAT.... She was fixed 5 months ago. Unfortunately, the vet whom my friend had used to fix her dogs left in the ovaries, and basicly did a tuballigation. Therefore she can still go into heat...... I felt soooooo bad for my friend as she and this dog had gone through sooooo much heart ache already and 2 other dogs this year..... The last vet had really endangered her dogs life with some complications from whatever the hell he did to the dog. Doing a tubal allows the dog to go into heat, attract boy dogs in large groups determined to ravage the defenseless female, make a bloody mess on the floor but will not conceive pups. Normally, in dogs the removal of the ovaries stops all this and there is no more issue. (I am not a vet so I am sure there are other beleifs in regard to different birth control procedures in dogs). So yikes for my friend and the thinness of the dog was attibuted to parasites, so one shot took care of that.
What I am happy about is this vet is willing and happy to work with my friend to resolve this issue and also help to dog whisper/train her two dogs who are having canine social dyfunction. This proves to me that this vet has more skill than just surgery with dogs, he is committed the their emotional needs as well. Even though I had to shower out the vomit from my hair and hose down my son who sat beside the dog in the car, I am glad that there are possibilities for my friend to resolve her dog issues and have a great life with them. Helping the dog and my friend was well worth it. Having dogs/pets means also not only having to deal with just petting and feeding them, sometimes it can get messy. Knowing this from my own dogs, especially Isis the crisis, who loves to consume and bathe in horse poop, Oh I know. We still love her even though we don't let her lick our faces.
Please remember to help be a voice for those who don't have a voice but love us forever.
Talk with you all later,
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