Brush in a Backpack

I am a painter/sculpture, who is in the process of travelling with my family, and painting on the way, for starts we are going to find out where "South" is, with the children navigating. Sounds adventureous, yeah I will be a cool experience and chaotic and fun.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Hi all
Here in Baños, apparently we have the occassonal, rogue scorpion making appearances in our lives. These odd little fellows, like their privacy and protest quite adamantly about any interference with its life, daily activities and rituals. Unfortunately, this morning my dearest love, who often interupts my privacy, got stung when he just couldn´t leave it alone, never mind that it was in the way of major construction with our building. Anyway, Rob thought it was a spider at first but quickly found out the creature came with stinger already asembled and ready for use. Rob picked it up and went to throw it away (much to our builders shock, Rob is such a H-man) and the scorpion not interested in flying lessons, and stung my love right in his paw. Fortunately, I was still in bed, recovering from a long night with a stupid dog who knows better than to eat bones but can´t resist , mas intelegente, my ass. Anyway, not knowing about 1st aid, prince charming comes to me, somehow knowing I would automaticly have a brainwave about foreign to Canada bugs. I guess the puzzled and fuzzy look in my eyes, inspired him to phone our Ecuadorian friend. He knows that I can´t think properly before a hearty cuppa java. Rob had caught the little offender in a tupperware tubbie and showed to show her. She came over and told us of the famous method of dealing with Scopions stings, dip the affected area in hot water and put up with the pain that will go up your arm for several days. The end. Apparently, the scorpions in our area are much like wasps but more painful. Susanna,(our ecuadorian who I make reference to) felt that part of the cure , after seeing the wee criminal,was to not do the buddist thing and set it free in our neighbors yard (a especially good tactic when you don´t get along with your neighbors, but unfortunately we do, unfortunate because it could add to the flavor and interest of this story) but to squish its little head in. Apparently, doing this doesn´t cure the bite but it does make you feel better. And this comes from a specialist in butterflies, whose husband is a spider and scorpion specialist. Who´da thunk.
Laugh with you all later.


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