revisiting Puerto Lopez
Well, things never stay the same not even in Puerto Lopez. The main road to enter town is now being prepared to pave and there is a town square. Habil is not living in the hostel any more. But at least he is still in town. Roberto dos has probably left to teach surfing in Mantanita. And my two favorite restaurants here are closed. How sad. I am glad to be back though, as I am here to take ¨pictures¨. The sea here is rather calm and the beach very white. I hope to get in my island tour here and my inland tour done rather quickly as I think I would like to travel to the end of the road past Selenas and past Playas at the end of the ¨Hook¨. Apparently there are dolphins there and I could use a good dolphin healing right about now. I might then cross over to the Ilsand of Puña where there is a whole lot of nuthin. Then I would take another boat over to Malacha (sp?) and go up to Naris de Diablo. I might meet the kids and Rob there. Who knows, I sure don´t.
My visit to Bahia and visit with friends, (who are arguing and creating a less than peaceful environment) was o....kay...... but of course I try and find out the lesson for why I was there and that might take a while yet to discover. I guess....... choose you fights might be something that I observed and don´t cry over spilt milk might be one, but I think the biggest would have to be watching how some people pull in drama in their lives, and how walking away from it might be the best move. My friends were very helpful in not letting me get into my drama and feeding it. For that was a good thing for me to learn, control my reaction to the drama and let it go long enough to see it for what it is. When I felt my drama perculating or felt theirs rising up I went for a long beach walk and distracted myself by taking pictures and looking for shells. That was a much better use of my energy.
Today was a good day to totally let the drama go and come to Puerto Lopez. On the bus and alone on the bus, can be a bit of a chore as behind me sneaking over the top of my bag a theif was bout to try and steal stuff, however my neighbor across from me who was a very nice man, and a biologist for the local shrimp farms caught the fellah and tossed him off the bus. Then he kindly brought me to the next bus until my stop and said a fond fairwell. Their are still wonderful people in the world. It did make me a bit jumpy though. But still I think that my good kharma and angels are still following me around. I hope my angels follow me to el isla plato, y agua blanco where I will search for flora and fauna. Apparently, Jabril will take me.
Talk with you all another day.
Keep fueling good kharma as it always is rewarding
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