Clean those body parts.
Okay, I realize this is the second posting in one day, but I didn't think that this posting should be with the other one. This posting is about being responcible to your body. I take this very seriously. Being the new year, Rob, Rachelle and I felt, we would start the New Year with a good and thorough cleanse. I like to do at least one type of body (internal) cleanse per year. I have done many of them, but shockingly, last year, we found, what many people think also, is probably one of the most thorough and gentle. I don't like to push products, so to if you want to know the cleanse we used, you will have to ask me by e-mail. Needless to say, it is not always what you use but the fact that you are taking responcibility for what has gone in and be darn sure it makes its way back out, that counts. On this clease, there is a one week prep, with herbs, the second week is a juice fast with herbs and a clay/herb mix. This is the second time doing this cleanse, I thought the first was good but this one was shocking. I decided that instead of just juicing I would eat high water content veggies. Now how do I express this without getting vulgar or gross. Welllll, it is the outvalve for food that we are talking about here, so I will try and be frank and still maintain decorum. ... I hope. Let me just say that the material that came out and I am glad that it is out, I am happy to say good bye to. Last time I said I removed living cancer and this time, whatever came out was about 7 times the volume of last time. I honestly did not think it would be possible to have this kind of experience and the content and size of the material either.
I have this philosophy about what this material is...... Everyone knows that we shed our skin, now you have to realize that skin/epithileal tissue is in the intestines too, with similar cell structure, depending on where in the intestines it is. If you have eaten welll, anything, I am sure there is always some residue left in certain areas in the intestines. As these residues build up they cover the shedding skin which now can't be shed properly as it is coated with material that either could not pass or glued itself to the wall. What a cleanse like it did does, is it pulls away the coating and also the unshed tissue away from the wall and you can easily pass it. What shocked me is the volume, color and size. This material feels different than the regular passing in that, it feels like you are passing latex rubber, and when you do your "paper work" there is nothing on the paper. Of course, because you feel things that are happening are different, you can't help but check to see what is going on. Curiosity nailed the cat. The material I shed was flesh tone in color or in some spots shriveled and black and you could see depending on where in the system you shed it from, there were even more different shapes and colors. We called it anal aliens, with fondness, as we are glad to see it leave and not return. Rob and Rachelle did not have as an extreme reaction that I did, but they also fasted, I didn't , I ate high water, high fiber foods in very small quantities with the powders and herbs.
Here is the real shocker, the amount I think I passed in total was probably about 15 ft. No kidding, please remember I do not like to exaggerate and nor do I lie.... so.... Oddly enough my system feels alot different and I feel like my guts are different, it feels like they were stretched and now they are coming back into a different shape. I feel a bit tender but it feels like I need to be sure be gentle to it and watch what goes in.
I also think that when you have emotional stuff, and experiences, you store it in different areas of the body, and I have always felt that the intestines were a weak spot for me. So.... using that philosophy, I am glad to let go of the past both physically and emotionally. So here's cheers to you if you cleanse and here's hope for those who don't, to consider letting go of that which does not serve you by being responcible to your body and start realizing how much you can do by taking care of your self through proper eating and cleansing.
Talk with you all later
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