Update on Sparky
Well, here's the delio on Sparky
Now that she is healthy, well fed and thoroughly loved, she has decided that she hates those who hurt her in the past. So now, we have to watch her, because she'll go after indiginous old men and women. Well, it's their own fault. You hurt a dog and they never forget it. It is funny how this funny faced little spoiled puppy turns into cujo the minute she sees one. She is no longer afraid of anything or anyone. I hear the little puppy that my friends rescued the other day is soooo happy to be alive, that he is just a bundle of energy and life and love. These little street dogs are sweet, but of course not as queenly as Isis our rottie cross. She still overwhelms the crowd with her presence and Sparky loves the fact that Isis is bigger than her. Sparky is still very much a puppy, and does all those puppy things that drive you nuts, like chewing and rough houseing using her teeth a bit too much. The other day, Sparky was playing a little too rough with the workers kid and Isis got in there and gave Sparky a lesson to remember and wouldn't let Sparky play with the kid anymore, she got in the middle of them and didn't allow Sparky the chance to play anymore. It was funny really. Our 2 dogs are the talk of the town and are still very much apart of the family. Sparky is Rachelles dog and Sparky has never been happier. Time will tell to see how much more confidence she will get over time.
I did the amazing thing today,.... I climbed to the Virgin (650 steps) on a clear day we celebrated with pancakes and juice, good way to start your day by tackling your fears. Let your choices dictate your life not your fears.
Talk with you all later Robin
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