The beauty of Banos
Hi there
Today, I am kind of sad, for this is the day that Rob left for Canada to go to work. This is a neccesary evil of life that is very much a reality in our world. We knew that when we came down here that Rob would have to go back to work, but it doesn't make us, and me, miss him any less. With all the work that is being done on the house, the money doesn't come from out of the trees so back to work he goes and back to school the kids and I go and also the construction and changes of the house continue and so shall I. I think that I will put myself into my painting more and also of course excercise, this always helps to release all that I am feeling.
Consequently, this morning when I was feeling rather melancholy, I wrapped myself up in Rob's "lying" blanket ,(it is amazing how the scent of loved ones stays in clothing or fabric) and went upstairs to the patio for a moment of thought. I thought that I would sink deeper into the gloom but what happened was that the view was soooo lovely that I found the reason why and how important it was for Rob to go to work so that when he comes back, it is for something well worth returning for, other than just family. Rob and I rose at about 5:00, this was when the sky was just lightening up....then slowly the view of Tungurahua became clear. She was as snowcapped as any mountain on any ski slope I have every seen and she was lightly puffing into the air, looking like anyone does, the misting of exhalation on a cool fresh morning. The sky was an amazing light ultramarine blue that was amost electric, a color that I have never ever seen before. Slowly, the sun shone on the peaks of the mountains, making the growth there a brilliant green. The sun in Ecuador, as I probably have mentioned before, is truely yellow, but a lovely soft, clear color that makes all the green just greener and more lively. The beams of light grew longer and brighter intensifying the definition of all the interesting profiles of the mountains, more three dimensional rather than flatter. Growth here of the plant is lush because of the gift of fertility from Tungurahua. This creates happy plants who gratefully give off the most marvelous smells and perfumes, that I would love to be able to paint. Smell is one of the most powerful sences we have. I think the powers that be, made sure that we could never duplicate it for it is meant to inspire the ability of deepening and enriching memories into your soul. Rob and I enjoyed a morning coffee and tea mostly in silence sharing the odd word or two of our last morning together for several months.
I hope Rob carries the sweet morning with him into his soul and memory when he is in the environment of the petroleum sights of Alberta, and remembers his new home here in Ecuador and uses it to inspire him to enjoy the process of being thankful and remember that he can come back when other people are just tourists. I know that I will keep my eye on the ball and focus on what this time will mean for the future. I hope that you all have sweet thoughts and memories to inspire you through through those other times.
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