Brush in a Backpack

I am a painter/sculpture, who is in the process of travelling with my family, and painting on the way, for starts we are going to find out where "South" is, with the children navigating. Sounds adventureous, yeah I will be a cool experience and chaotic and fun.

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Yikes!!!! Just did a head count and I have done 64 paintings since I have been here in Ecuador that is now 5 years. I have also created a line of fun art cards which my daughter Rachelle Tiessen, who is back in Canada, is in charge of. I will be using some of the cards as maquettes for other paintings. What is kind of scarey is all that, I have to look back and check all the names of the paintings and make sure everything is matching and up to date. So that said, I will also try and get the web-site changed and up-dated. The professional photography is being organized right now, so that gicles can be created. Each of those paintings requires a right up and my thoughts moments some of the old ones may required more editing as I am thinking that maybe I am older and wiser and have more or less to say. I prefer paintings not to have either, but today people want that kind of impression and information of paintings. I an really really fine if you just take in the image and let it flow through you but I will also do the right ups for those that want the other. So much to do and to organize. I guess you can tell, I am gearing up for getting back to business. I am also designing a display set to create exhibitions here in Ecuador. I am sure that I will be coming back to Canada to do the same, but let me catch my breath and I will let you all in when there are changes. Some one the other day said what to I do, nothing? I meerly laughed.... what could I say.


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