Brush in a Backpack

I am a painter/sculpture, who is in the process of travelling with my family, and painting on the way, for starts we are going to find out where "South" is, with the children navigating. Sounds adventureous, yeah I will be a cool experience and chaotic and fun.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

stuck in the house

Okay this president of Ecuador really has his poop together. I say this because he decided that they needed to do a new census of Ecuador. But it is wayyyyyy manditory. No one is allowed to leave their house until the census is done. Early this morning, a high school student came to our house and filled in the required form, then she left, off do to another 40. The Ecuadorian government had the high school students visit each house to do the census and then increased the number of police and military to monitor the streets and pick up all people who were out there instead of their houses awaiting to complete the census. The streets are bare of people and we are not allowed out to the streets until 5:00 tonight. I talked with my friend who went to Quito and she said the streets are bare there too, and everyone is cooperating with the government and police to get this big job done in one day. This is a country wide census and where else in the world would a country come to a complete stop to work with the government and get the job done. So here we all are on a beautiful day feeling rather restless. So what does one do on a day like this...... we make chocolate truffels and chocolate turtles. We have never done this before and I have to say homemade truffels are not to be under rated. They are fabulous and incredibly easy to make. In fact, I feel rather stupid all these years paying way toooooo much money for something that is rather inexpensive to make and devine to eat. Beleive me you can only eat one at a time. The chocolate here is wonderful but they don't know what to do with it. We found out what to do with that fab chocolate. Now we know what to give our friends for Xmas and look like heros by making this fabulous gift. It all started because a friend of mine who let us pick his coffee said that he really missed "Rocky Road". So in exchange for the coffee, I hopped onto You Tube and looked up a demo and recipe for "Rocky Road". He was soooooo thrilled and loved it. Okay this is not in any way my choice of chocolate but it made him happy. I am also embarrassed to say that it was incredibly easy to make. He loved it and that is all that matters. It is basicly, chocolate, walnuts and marshmallows. Ewwwwwww marshmallows,,,,,,, nuff said there, direct line to killing my pancreas and having my heart jump out of my body and do several laps around the city, though my ADD loves the focus that I can get from it. That Rocky road experience had me wanting to make it very special for Rob and I made chocolate dipped strawberries and bananas, to a great success and reception, followed with loving gratitude. Then, we had friends over for dinner and served the dipped fruit for dessert, again huge success and we looked like pros. So that lead to everyone thinking what they missed in terms of chocolate and everyone in my family agreed that it was chocolate turtles and truffles. The rest is history. Now we have success in the fridge and I will deliver a care package to my neighbor whose husband was a turd and left her for another woman, who was a prostitute etc, chocolate always helps a hurting heart.
Shockingly, we are almost completely back to eating raw foods again with the exception of the chocolate extravaganza. It is a good thing too, as my eye doctor wants me to have my blood checked as he thinks that my bad eyesight might be attributed to diabetes. I have been hypoglycemic and have had an irregular heart for years and raw foods always balances those things out. I am not even a person who has a big sweet tooth, if at all, so I think that the diabetic/hypoglycemic thing is catching up with me in my old age and menopausal plight. I think that when you are ADD you can have predispositional foodie things, that in the long term build up in you body. If I have any foods that I am addicted to it would be coffee, but even then only two vases of that a day and I am done, the rest is juices and good foods, for the most part. I do have to say that getting more active would greatly help, that is getting better as the kids get more independent in their schooling. Dane still needs alot of assistance with school but the LEAP program that Rachelle and Dane did in Powel River really changed his perspective of life for the better. I will be and am in the process of getting on that old horse. The real reason I am playing with chocolate and other gourmet foods is this....... I love watching people eat foods they love. I fell in love with this when I worked at the heli ski lodge and one of the skiguides was a true food lover. I could watch that guy all day, his face was rapture when his food was good. Since then, I love causing that same look on peoples face when they love some food that I have made. It is kind of like watching the "Galloping Gormet" from the old cooking show. I used to think he was faking it when he ate his food with rapture until I saw that heliski guide eat the same way. It is awesome to give that much pleasure to someone without the sex thing. So here I am thinking of creating more fab foods and enjoying the joy of my test subjects. Yesterday, I made a mango avocado spicy salad, not bad, not great but there you go.
By the way, the volcano is rumbling and firing up a wonderful storm yet again. From our house you could see the lava leaping out of the top of the volcano and creating a light show that fireworks could never compete with. She has been active for over a week. On clear nights, the show is fabulous and rumbling and trembling enough to wake you at night. With the volcano active again, we have stocked up our evacuation packs again, ready at the door, but it is the time of year for Tungurahua to let herself be known that she must not be forgotten.
Talk with you foodies later, I am almost done some more paintings to put on the net as I still paint and create art.....
Enjoy others enjoyment, and find fulfillment in the pleasure of others