Hey all Tonight is the night for the Pilgrimage walk from Ambato to Banos. It is roughly 35-38 km. The police shut down the road for the night and 20-12 thousand people walk, bike, dance, shuffle whatever to Banos. Then when they get here they visit the church, they sleep in the streets or parks or wherever they can and in the morning go back wherever they came from. This is an amazing night, this will be my forth pilgrimage but this time my husband and son are walking. What to expect, sore feet, rain (this year) improved night vision, openess to new and different things. The pace is fast and hard and when you think that you are tired you look over and you see an older person from the mountains walking in bare feet and enjoying the process or children walking or parents with trollers or wheel chairs. It keeps you humble and thankful. That is the whole point of the walk. It is also as spiritual as you want it to be. There are young adults partying the whole way and dancing through the street, that is also humbling. So.... all that said, who knows what this journey will be.... Let you know tomorrow. Robin
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Hi there All The professional photos are in. Yeah, now comes the hard part... creating a new web page, with new photos. I will start loading in the new photos fairly quickly. Thank you all for waiting. Robin
Thursday, March 14, 2013
in the early morning
Hi there Folks: For those of you who know me, and for those who do not, I am a person who requires less sleep than the average bear. So it is in the wee hourse of the morning and here I am blogging. I got up at 2:00, talked with my daughter in Canada, she went to bed and then I went into the studio to work. I have this awesome and crazy photo that I took of a Cougar corkscrewing its tale. So feeling some pressure of my photographer friend coming on Sunday night, I figure I have just enough time to get this painting done before the photoshoot. So, that said the layout is done and now I am waiting for the frisk to dry. This is a rubber material that I use to cover my drawing so that I can uninhibitedly paint the background. So, here I wait and think for the next thing to do which is practice my speech to the Casa De Cultura of Banos Ecuador to petition to have my first art show in Ecuador. This is more of an introduction of myself and my art. Oh but that is not enough, no, I like a little challenge and who wants to do these things easily: no I have to also do it in Spanish..... fun. Thank god for my Spanish teacher and my dear friend Manola, who is amazing with her education, language skills and of course understanding of the culture..... Manola is also kind to me in that she knows that normally I am short and to the point and really don't want to linger in the public speaking arena. So the speech is short and sweet. So, that said and that done, I may have to take my dangling participles and go to bed for a while. I have Spanish classes in the morning...... oh wait, like in 3 hours..... yeah that is how I work it..... This sleeping thing is really great to get things done and read books. I just got the new daylight light bulbs from Ebay and they are making my life better already. Whoo hoo. Okay, back to bed, nice talking with you, even if it is one sided. Be kind to each other and honor your differences Robin
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
Confetti: Dog and Cat
Beauty is often out of the Box: Peacock
Tuesday, March 05, 2013
Last Straw: Donkey
Fox and Armadillo
Construction Zone: Ants
Art Group: Otters
If Jackson Pollock was a Fish.
Play Date: Penguins
Meditation: Coyote
Dolphins in the Light.
Magic is Everywhere: Raccoons.
The Secret of the First Snow: Coyote & Raven
The Secret: Coyote & Raven
The Honey Makers: Bees
Looking From a Different Perspective: Cows
Fresh Start: Snake
Jaguar Woman
See into your Future: Look into Your Past: Moth
Balance Over Thrown: Lionfish
Neoscona Cooksoni: Zigzag Spider
Choice and Destiny: Shark
Magic on the Wing: Black Necked Swan
Monday, March 04, 2013
Trust in Your Next Step: Polar Bear
Dancing in the Dark: Blue-footed Boobies

Ember: Horse

Fluidity: Dolphins

Waiting for Trevor
well folks, it looks like Trevor the Photographer is going to be giving us a visit. This is terrific news as he can be taking the new photos of my work. Yeah, 30 more new paintings for you to see. He will also be providing a guiding presence as I create a new addition or changes to the webpage. Another yeah. On the new web page, it looks like I might be able to video some work and being taught the process of being more in touch with the internet world. I would be having more paintings on the web site than on my blog. For real!!! I am really excited about this so for the next 2 weeks I will be doing the writing for each of the new paintings. I just added all the paintings onto Brush in a Backpack so that is consistant and when he gets his work done I will be able to replace my old painting photos with the new on a clear and easy to use web site. While I was looking at my old writing on the other blogs of the paintings it brought up so much for me. I have laughed and cried at what I wrote and remembered some wonderful things. So I hope they have affected you as much as it has me. Talk soon Robin
Putting on a Happy Face: Dolphin
Putting on a Happy Face/dolphin
Putting on a Happy Face/dolphin When I can get too into what I am doing or get far to serious about something, I have found ways to make me lighten up. This is very important for me as I believe have your head in the clouds and your feet on the ground. One of the things that I do is look for wonderful faces. The dolphin has an ever-loving face and one that is filled with fun and naughty instigations. The clever dolphins play even as they feed and hunt for fish. They will get the job done but darn it they will have fun while they do it. This is what we all have to remember in our stress filled lives. Hence enjoy the playful and fun-loving dolphin and learn. Please also support the anti-dolphin hunts, protect those who cannot protect themselves.
Squirrel Monkey's Jungle
Squirrel Monkey's Jungle I loved doing this painting for a number of reasons. I love the monkey, they are fast delightful, naughty and playful. Any being that delights in being a bit naughty deserves protecting. They are not without defences though. Those teeth of theirs can deliver quite the bites. The second reason I love this painting is that I fractured the jungle colors and feeling into geometric shape and then fit the monkey right in. I can see that this is how a squirrel monkey would see things, as they move with such speed that they would have to break down their vision in broad shapes as they passed by on their fun time. Robin
Elizabeth: Spider Monkey
Elizabeth/Spider Monkey Elizabeth is a lovely monkey from the Refugio de Los Monos (monkey refuge) in Puyo. She is an elegant and loving lady. She sits often without even thinking about it in repose and a gentle glamour that just can't be taught. She has more elegance and grace in her than I have. I definitely can learn a great deal from her. Robin
Prayer of Hope: Woolly Monkey
Prayer of Hope/wooley monkey
Prayer of Hope: Woolly monkey I had visited the Refugio de Los Monos (monkey refuge) in Puyo. Here the people that own the land are passionate about the care for the animals that they have the opportunity to rescue. It is an honor to visit this center and spend time with the animals. While I was thinking of the gift of love that these people have given, some of the monkeys climbed up me and gave me hugs or cuddled. There was a Woolly monkey who cuddled right into my neck and started purring. It was later when I saw the same monkey stand at the base of my daughter, Rachelle, looking up at her in hopes of a hug. Sometimes, waiting for the right time gives you the best photos. So here it is, Woolly monkey looking up and only wanting, hopefully ...love. Robin
Yinyang Ocelots
Yinyang ocelot
Yinyang ocelot This photo comes from the magic photos that my son Dane took for me on my birthday. I am not one to enjoy bought presents; I am one who far more enjoys gifts of time or thought of caring where someone made something for me. This is one of my favorite gifts, a moment in time well shared. This painting is also in honor of a friend and inspiration Rob "Shoe" Glenesk. He once gave me the most wonderful complement I have ever received for a painting. He said, "Not a brush stroke was wasted." Rob often paints from an overhead view, invoking spiritual sensation and experience in kind and gentle fashion. So for him I say, not a thought or moment was wasted. Robin
Science of Flight: Perigrin Falcon
The Science of Flight: Peregrine falcon In the science of flight there are eddies where the air ripples and flows over the wings of the bird. This is how my mind sees how the air passes over the wing if air was visible. The background is painted to look like concrete. Concrete being a symbol for how the laws of physics do not bend. But I also painted the concrete to have a gauzy look to it to give the impression of air. Robin
On Strike: Pelicans
On Strike: Pelican
On Strike: Pelican I love pelicans, they are real opportunists. They hang out on the fishing boats and areas where the fishing boats are unloading fish in hopes to steal an easy lunch. I can't believe that stealing is easier than catching your own but there you have it. I love that the sea has colours that call to it. The optical illusion that is created by the living liquid is a sight to behold. Robin
Color of the Forest: Grison
Color of the Forest/grison
Color of the Forest: Grison This was a much unexpected opportunity. I had gone to the Refugio de los Monos (the monkey refuge) in Puyo when this little shy guy showed up for some photos. No one knew what it was, only what was obvious and that was that it was a part of the weasel family. So after visiting with a biological physicist friend of mine, and showing him the pictures, he informed me that although he had never had the opportunity to see one, he had read many books and had remembered that it was a Grison. I asked around of the locals and other informed people and no one else knew. So with pictures and paint in hand, I take the opportunity to introduce you to the Grison one of the rain forests forgotten lesser known creatures Robin.
Spick and Span: Ocelot
Spick and span: Tigrillo/Ocelot I love these animals. I love the grace and elegance but these creatures are not soft and gentle herbivores. To keep these guys happy and healthy they require.... Meat. What you don't see in the picture that I happily left out was the picked over bones and excess meat that he couldn't finish or was saving for later. This Tigrillo/Ocelot is taking care of business, post meal. What I love about this picture is the contrast between the black and yellow stripes with the pink of the tongue. What was also fun for me was that the low lights of the picture are blue. Shadow is not always grey/paynes grey. So with honesty, I tell you this picture is clean up after supper, we all need to do it..... So there you go. Robin
The Gentle Smile: Galapagos Tortoise
The Gentle Smile: Galapagos tortoise And there I was, again in the zoo in Quito, watching and photographing. Going to a zoo and watching is important when I want to take pictures. I settle in and try and get a feel for the animals and what is happening rather than just charging in there and click away without any kind of awareness. I like to invest my time in allowing for observing and interaction that might take place. So there I was....watching....waiting ... when a gentle soul of a man walked right up to a tortoise and started petting and stroking the tortoise's head, lovingly, kindly. The tortoise was in rapture, so also so was the man. They had made a connection..... One that I wish other people would just take the time to do too with other creatures. I joyfully watched this take place when I felt someone staring at me. So I turned and looked behind me, and there watching me with approving eyes and slight smile was another tortoise. I also had made a connection. Thank you for the opportunity, gentle old man. Robin